Ma reggel kaptam ezt az PÜ-t a PP fórumon a DeathnGlory nevű szintén szerbiai felhasználótól:
Hey Huntroll,
On Saturday June 27th were running an event in Belgrade. It is a combined Flames of War, Warmachine MK2 and Hordes tournament. I am also running a huge promotion with big discounts at the event. It would be great to see some new faces at the tournament. I saw that there was recently a tournament in Budapest and hope that this means you guys are quite keen. It would be really good if any of you would come down.
Let me know if this is of interest to you.
Én sajnos aznap délután jövök haza Ausztriából, szóval biztos nem tudok menni, de részetekről jó lenne megvitatni, hogy érdekel-e a dolog.